Monday, August 6, 2012

Smif-N-Wessun - Let's Git It On (1995) sampled Mandrill - After The Race (1974)

Artist:  Smif-N-Wessun
Song:  Let's Git It On
Year:  1995
Album:  Dah Shinin'

Even though this album came out right at the beginning of 1995, this song was playing in my cassette deck for the whole summer of 1994.  The bassline still sounds great.

Artist:  L.E.G.A.C.Y.
Song:  Nice
Year:  2003
Album:  Legsclusives

More 9th Wonder production magic from one of the North Carolina Justus League soldiers.

Artist:  Mandrill
Song:  After The Race
Year:  1974
Album:  Mandrilland

This just goes to show that cover art doesn't always match the music I envision inside.  I always thought that the Smif-N-Wessun bassline was from a jazz artist, but here it is at 2:05.  The L.E.G.A.C.Y. loop is at 1:13.

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